General Information
Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell LLP, in cooperation with the Commuter Rail Coalition, is pleased to present the 2023 Passenger Rail Law Workshop. This year’s workshop will be held at the Madison Hotel nin Washington, DC, on November 6 & 7, 2023.
Attendees will learn from experts the fundamental legal principles that underlie virtually all elements of passenger rail. This workshop is the only conference that combines a thorough review of the basics of passenger rail law with an update on recent legal developments. Conducted in an interactive classroom format, participants can expect instructors to include government attorneys from DOT, FRA, and TSA, as well as seasoned practitioners with decades of experience and in-depth understanding of the federal laws, regulations, and policies that govern rail. Continuing legal education credits are generally available in most states.
Taught in plain English, the workshop is not limited to lawyers. Others who can benefit include executives, planners, finance staff, environmental management, operations managers and consultants. Senior rail managers and commissioners or board members attend as well. Attendees can expect valuable networking opportunities as well; both with other attendees, industry experts and the cohort of instructors.
One of the most valuable benefits of the workshop is that all attendees receive the Passenger Rail Law Desk Reference, a comprehensive, user-friendly resource book that you can expect to be a well-used reference tool.
This workshop is one-of-a-kind. Don’t miss your chance to attend and take advantage of this opportunity to gain valuable insight and information that you can put to use immediately.
All presentations will be available for download and all participants will receive the Passenger Rail Law Desk Reference to take home.